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Alive in Plasticland Improv

on the High Fidelity Social VR platform and in person at VRBar, Dumbo, Brooklyn

In partnership with High Fidelity and sponsored in part by HTC Vive, we produced and performed some short-form improv shows and workshops with 6 actors sharing 3 headsets. Shows were performed for virtual and in-person audiences. 

Co-directors: Kevin Laibson & Kiira Benzing

Producers: David Gochfeld, Alex Coulombe


Keisha Zollar, Sarah Nowak, Ray Cordova, Jake Keefe, Tracy Mull, Josh Hurley, Katie Hartman

Emcee: Kevin Laibson

Associate Producer: Michelle Francesca Thomas

This portfolio focuses on projects I feel I contributed significantly to as an artist or created whole cloth. Much of my experience includes developing and platforming others' work as a producer, teacher, and coach. For more about that, please visit
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this is my favorite joke:

A dog walks in to a telegrapher's office and says "I'd like to send a telegram to my sister, please."


The telegrapher, surprised by the situation, says "Well, um, okay - what would you like it to say?"

"Woof, woof woof, woof woof woof woof, woof, woof."

The telegrapher puts down his pencil and lowers his glasses a little, "You know, that's just nine 'woof's. I could throw in a tenth and it would be the same price."

The dog cocks his head to the side and says, "But...then it wouldn't make any sense."

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